A Comprehensive Step-by-Step Guide to Go From Overwhelm to Confident Clarity

When you're ready to Execute Your Exit, do it with purpose, clarity, and focus so you can Emerge Empowered.

Start here.
Where are you at right NOW? (Reflections)
Practicing the Personal Weather Report
Anxious? Scared? Relieved? Concerned? All these and more?
You are certain it's time to end it. It's time to get ready. (Reflections & Notes)
Taking Stock of the Situation (Reflections)
Must-haves to take the leap (Reflections)
Telling You Partner... or Not. (Reflections)
Where do I plan to live? (Reflections)
Keeping your courage up (Audio)
Is there a right and a wrong way to do divorce? (Audio)
Banking & Finances (Reflections)
Gathering Financial Documents (Tracking & Notes)
What about the Money? (Audio)
Finding an Attorney (Reflections)
Mediation, Negotiation, Filing & Court (Reflections & Notes)
Custody and Visitation
Some real life for inspiration (Audio)
Getting clear about what you want and why (Reflections, Fill in Chart)
Knowing When to Hold and When To Fold (Reflections)
Financial Separation (Fill in Chart)
Physical Separation (Fill in Chart)
Custody & Financial Support (Fill in Chart)
Are there children to consider?
Telling The Children (Reflections)
Child Expenses (Fill in Chart)
The Parenting Plan (Info and Notes)
Holidays & School Breaks (Fill in Chart)
Getting Safely Out... (Reflections)
I've ended my relationship, now what? (Audio)
Am I a failure because I got a divorce?? (Video)
Taking Your Power Back after Emotional Abuse (Audio)
Keep Moving Forward. It gets easier.

Take the steps with confidence.
I'll walk with you.


Dr. Rhoberta Shaler

Who Am I and Why Can I Help You?

I help the partners, exes, and adult children of the relentlessly difficult, toxic people I call Hijackals® to save their sanity and stop the crazy-making. I created the term so we'd have a way to talk about the patterns, traits, and cycles of relentlessly difficult people without psychological labels. I define Hijackals as “people who hijack relationships--for their own purposes--while relentlessly scavenging them for power, status, and control.”


Because I've been there, too. I had a Hijackal mother and a passive-aggressive father. As happens for most people who start that way, I became a Hijackal magnet. Oh, the pain, disappointment and... learning!!! Love-bombed by men who turned out to be looking for control, bosses who thought they could manipulate and manage in damaging ways, and even friends willing to take advantage, I have experienced them all. Not good.

Through all that learning, I found a path that allowed me to reclaim my power from people like that; to see them from a distance before becoming engaged with them. It was a long road, and a lot of people... but what I learned, and the strategies I developed for myself, have kept me sane, safe and sure it won't happen again!

The upside of coming from Hijackals was that I was driven to get away and to understand. Trained as a psychologist and mediator, I turned my attention to figuring out why there had been no help when I needed it, and what that help could have looked like to be effective. Understanding the sneaky nature of emotional abuse led me to a Ph.D. and ongoing work and research into the ways that emotional trauma impacts both the Hijackal and their prey.

I made it my mission to help people recognize the signs of emotional abuse, realize the impact on their lives, and have the paths to recovery. I share that with clients and members worldwide.

Through my Emerging Empowered consultations, courses, and community I've created a safe place for you to be understood; to recognize what's happened and happening in your relationship(s); and to gain the insights, skills, strategies, and support to move forward in healthier ways, reclaiming your personal power.

Dr. Rhoberta Shaler

Relationship Crisis Consultant